Лейл Лаундес. Как влюбить в себя любого – 2. Как завоевать сердце мужчины или женщины, которые прежде казались вам совершенно недоступными

Категория: Места знакомств Опубликовано 15 Июль 2016
Просмотров: 7354

Список литературы

1. Lieberman, David. 1997. Instant Analysis. New York: St. Martin's Press.
2. Graham, Dee, et al. 1995. "A Scale for Identifying Stockholm Syndrome Reactions in Young Dating Women." Violence and Victims 10(1): 3–22.
3. Walster, Elaine, William G. Walster, and Ellen Berscheid. 1978. Equity: Theory and Research. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
4. Walster, E., et al. 1965. "The Effect of Self Esteem on Romantic Liking." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1:184–87.
5. Bramel, D. 1969. "Interpersonal Attraction, Hostility and Perception." In Judson Mills (Ed.) Experimental Social Psychology. New York: Macmillan.
6. Moore, M. M. 1985. "Nonverbal Courtship Patterns in Women: Context and Consequences." Ethnology and Sociobiology 6:237–47.
7. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, «Half a Minute: Predicting Teacher Evaluations from Thin Slices of Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Attractiveness.»
8. Bossard, J. H. S. "Residential Propinquity as a Factor in Marriage Selection." American Journal of Sociology 38:219–24.
9. Zajonc, R. B. 1970. "Brainwash: Familiarity Breeds Contempt." Psychology Today.
10. Bossard, J. H. S. "Residential Propinquity as a Factor in Marriage Selection." American Journal of Sociology 38:219–24.
11. Walster, E., et al. 1966. "Importance of Physical Attractiveness in Dating Behavior." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 4:508–16.
12. Major, Brenda, et al. 1984. "Physical Attractiveness and Self Esteem: Attributions for Praise from an Other Sex Evaluator." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 10(1):43–50.
13. Sigall, H., and D. Landy. 1973. "Radiating Beauty: The Effects of Having a Physically Attractive Partner on Person Perception." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 28:218–24.
14. Hasart, Julie K., and Kevin L. Hutchinson. "The Effects of Eyeglasses on Perceptions of Interpersonal Attraction." Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 8(3):521–28.
15. Byrne, Donn. 1971. The Attraction Paradigm. New York: Academic Press.
16. Dickoff, H. 1961. "Reactions to Evaluations by Another Person as a Function of Self-Evaluation and the Interaction Context." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Duke University.
17. Major, Brenda, et al. 1984. "Physical Attractiveness and Self Esteem: Attributions for Praise from an Other Sex Evaluator." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 10(1):43–50.
18. Blumberg, Paul. 1989. The Predatory Society: Deception in the American Marketplace. New York: Oxford University Press.
19. Malloy, T. E., A. Yarlas, R. K. Montvilo, and D. B. Sugarman. 1995. "Agreement and Accuracy in Children's Interpersonal Perceptions: A Social Relations Analysis." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 67:692–702.
20. Fussell, Paul. 1983. Class: A Guide Through the American Class System. New York: Summit Books, pp. 194—97, with minor revisions by Robert Keel, 1999. (An earlier form of this was promulgated in 1935 by F. Stuart Chapin in his book Contemporary American Institutions)
21. Там же.
22. Там же.
23. Lavrakas, J. 1975. "Female Preferences for Male Physiques." Journal Research in Personality 9:324–34.
24. Newcomb, T. M. 1961. The Acquaintance Process. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
25. Byrne, Donn. 1971. "Interpersonal Attraction and Attitude Similarity." Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology 62:713–15.
26. Darwin, Charles. 1874. The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (revised ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Оригинальное издание вышло в свет в 1872 году.)
27. Perper, Timothy. 1985. Sex Signals: The Biology of Love. Philadelphia: ISI Press.
28. Wall Street Journal.
29. Fussell, Paul. 1983. Class: A Guide Through the American Class System. New York: Summit Books.
30. Backman, C.W., and P. F. Secord. 1959. "The Effect of Perceived Liking on Interpersonal Attraction." Human Relations 12:379–84.
31. 1952. "On Cooling the Mark Out: Some Aspects of Adaptation to Failure." Psychiatry 15:451–63.
32. Hatfield, E., and W. Walster. 1978. A New Look at Love. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, стр. vii.
33. Backman, C. W., and P. F. Secord. 1959. "The Effect of Perceived Liking on Interpersonal Attraction." Human Relations 12:379–84.
34. Wilson, T. D., Meyers, J., & Gilbert, D. T. (2001). “Lessons from the past: Do people learn from experience that emotional reactions are short lived?” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27, 1648–1661.

